Franklin's Paine is among the first skateboarding advocacy groups in the country to create a Master Plan for skateboarding, making Philadelphia the first major East Coast city with such a plan. Franklin's Paine was founded to defend the rights of skaters against proposed legislation and advocate for the positive value of skateboarding for people of all ages, with an emphasis on young people. As a voice for skaters in the region, we bridge the divide between the City of Philadelphia and the increasing needs of a rapidly growing number of skateboarders. Our advocacy focus has grown over the years to include public advocacy, research, and outreachto support the growth of Philadelphia's skateparks and skateboarding culture in general.

Our vision is to become the national model in skateboard policy through three vital programs; We engage in political outreach to raise awareness about the needs of the skateboard population and encourage government support and the development of new policies. Our research program conducts and disseminates research on trends in skateboarding, its social and economic impact, and other critical data for the field. Research studies are developed based on current, relevant needs expressed by field leaders. Design and architecture are essential to skatepark development. This program includes an annual conference on skatepark and product design trends, informing plans to make our future parks the most accessible, skateable, and innovative as possible.

  • "national model"
  • "encourage government support"
  • "most innovative and skateable park"


Franklin’s Paine Skatepark Fund works to strengthen communities and empower youth by advocating for skaters and skateboarding culture, educating youth and adults about the art of skateboarding and its benefits to neighborhoods and people, and building free, public skateparks that demonstrate innovative design, community engagement and multi-faceted use. Franklin’s Paine values Diversity, Accessibility, Perseverance and Entrepreneurship.


Franklin's Paine supports a focus on “Build” through ongoing development of new skateparks in Philadelphia – “Paine’s Parks” – as well as hosts an annual Citywide Event and connects with the creative aspect of skateboarding culture by commissioning local artist to design public art for its skateparks. We have developed numerous neighborhood “pocket” skateparks throughout the city in cooperation with the City of Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Department. “Paine’s Parks” are the ongoing development initiatives for new parks and the maintenance and program management for existing parks. – Also including Grey’s Ferry Park, and FDR Park.

  • "develop of new skateparks"
  • "commissioning local artists"
  • "neightborhood pocket parks"